Saturday, April 26, 2008

April 26, 2008
Today, we decided we would either start our Spanish immersion program in Mexico or Guatamala. We need to come up with a tentative itinerary so we have an idea of what we will do. I also need to decide if I want to get LASIK this weekend. Decisions. Decisions!
Our friend Eliza is turning 30 and we're taking her out to The City of San Francisco. We'll take her to Apartment 24 (not what you think, it's a club) and show her how 30-year olds party.
That's it for today.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Before the Trip

Preface: Wilson and I are planning a six-month journey to Central and South America in July 2008. We will be updating this blog regularly to keep you posted on our long, treacherous journey (well, not really treacherous...).

Below is our/my first entry for this blog. We hope
to make these short, succinct entries with a lot of photos. This particular entry is definitely not as exciting as the ones we hope to post after July.

Date: April 21, 2008, 10:41 p.m. PT

Where: San Francisco, CA

What did I learn today?:

1) How to blog again. And it's much easier than 3 years ago.
2) I eat too much when I travel

Who did I meet?: Hmmm..., don't think I met anyone new today.